Notice of modification of an outcome improvement process

Section 29 Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (the Act) and regulation 10 of the Participation Request (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 (the Regulations)




Elie and Earlsferry Community Council (E&E CC) issued a participation request to SRUC in accordance with section 22 of the Act on 19 March 2024 (the Participation Request) in relation to Elmwood College.  SRUC issued a decision notice (the Decision Notice) in response to the Participation Request including, within the Decision Notice, a proposed outcome improvement process in respect of certain aspects of the Participation Request.  The proposed improvement process involved engagement by SRUC with E&ECC in an SRUC Elmwood evidence based skills and lifelong learning workshop (the Outcome Improvement Process).  On 10 June 2024 SRUC received a response (the Response) from E&E CC in relation to the proposed outcome improvement process.   SRUC has considered the Response and has determined that it should modify the Outcome Improvement Process in certain respects. This is accordingly notice of modification of the Outcome Improvement Process in accordance with section 29 of the Act and regulation 10 of the Regulations.


The parties involved in the modified outcome improvement process

The parties involved in the modified outcome improvement process are:-

  • Elie and Earlsferry Community Council, a community participation body in terms of Section 20(1) of the Act
  • SRUC, a public service authority in terms of Section 21 of, and Schedule 2 to, the Act


The outcomes to which the modified outcome improvement process relates

The outcomes to which the outcome improvement process relates are (a) improved educational outcomes for SRUC students in Fife through improved access to local land-based course at Elmwood College; and (b) change and improvement in the redesign of the educational offerings at Elmwood College.


The outcome improvement process which has been modified

The outcome improvement process which has been modified is SRUC Elmwood evidence based skills and lifelong learning workshop as set out in paraph 2 of the Decision notice.


How that outcome improvement process has been modified

The Outcome Improvement Process will be modified as follows:-

  • Any report on the outcome of the workshop will be published in a form to be agreed between SRUC and E&E CC. Neither SRUC nor E&E CC will otherwise make any public comment on the workshop without the consent of the other.  Each will act reasonably in consenting to public announcements having regard to the need to be open and transparent about the process.
  • In addition to SRUC, SRUCSA and E&E CC the parties may invite other bodies to participate in in the workshop. SRUC, SRUCSA and E&E CC will liaise to identified a number of appropriate participants, but the number of participants in the workshop shall not exceed 20 without the agreement of SRUC, SRUCSA and E&E CC.  All participants must have relevant skill, knowledge and experience.
  • SRUC will consult with representatives of E&E CC to establish a date for the workshop with a view to establishing a date on which all (or at least the greatest possible) number of participants can attend.


How the modified outcome improvement process is to operate

The modified outcome improvement process will operate in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decision Notice as modified by points 1 to 3 above.  SRUC will, within 10 days of the date of this Notice, provide to E&E CC a copy of said paragraph 2 duly amended.

Posted by SRUC on 08/07/2024

Tags: SRUC and Campuses
Categories: SRUC and Campuses