Bovine Health Declarations, otherwise known as Pen or Sale Cards, are produced by CHECS Health Scheme providers so that you can promote your accredited high status livestock to potential buyers.  

Last year the PCHS Team produced around 1250 pen cards for 200 of our 4000 members. Our busiest months are February, March, May and October so please allow extra time for planning during this period.

To ensure we are able to get the correct information and cards to you on time please follow these three simple steps:

  1. Please plan ahead and organise your testing so that you receive your Sale Cards promptly. We need 2 weeks’ notice before an event and 6 weeks’ notice if testing is required as well. 

  2. Check the requirements of your individual breed society and liaise with your vet to ensure all necessary testing is undertaken. 
  1. Download and complete a Sale Card application form from (below) – ensure you fill in the information you want to be displayed as it is your responsibility to do this. Your PCHS accredited status will automatically be added to the Sale Card.

The Sale Card application form asks for the following information:

  • Your details (name, address, CPH)
  • Auction details and date
  • Veterinary Practice details – and vet signature where animals are at livery
  • Details of TB status or TB accreditation level
  • Animal identities
  • If submitting bloods, tick which tests are required
  • Detail vaccination information: vaccine names and dates given for IBR, Leptospirosis and BVD
Pen Card application form

Important things to consider

If your animals are at livery, they must be kept isolated if they are to keep the health status of your holding, otherwise they will have the health status of the livery premises.

To qualify for a sale card, all animals must be from a BVD accredited herd or be individually tested for both BVD antibody and virus. In the case of Johne’s Disease, the herd status is noted and not the individual animal’s status. Please note that your Johne’s Disease herd status only applies to home bred animals. Full details can be found in the CHECS Technical Document.

Test results that are more than 3 months old CANNOT be used except a BVD Antigen (virus) test which lasts a lifetime.

Looking ahead

We are currently looking at an online system for producing sale cards. More information will be given as soon as possible.