Strategy, reports and policy
Read SRUC’s equality, diversity and inclusion reports in response to our responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 and specific duties in Scotland, the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 and as a Corporate Parent.
Equality outcomes and mainstreaming reports
The Equality Act 2010 includes the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) which requires SRUC, as a public authority, to pay due regard to the need to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and other prohibited conduct
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not and,
- foster good relationships between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not
The Act defines nine protected characteristics: age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, and marriage and civil partnership.
The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012 (and subsequent updates) provide a framework that supports SRUC to meet the PSED. SRUC’s reports showcase our performance against our legal duties and our work to create an inclusive community:
- Equality Outcomes Progress and Mainstreaming report 2023
- Gender pay gap report 2023
- Mainstreaming and equality outcomes report 2021
- Mainstreaming report 2021
- Equal Pay Statement 2021
- Public sector equality duty reports
- Gender action plan 2017-2021
British Sign Language action plan
SRUC is committed to embedding equality, diversity, and inclusion across our work as an employer, tertiary education and research institution, and service provider. As part of this commitment, we aim to support and empower our BSL community to engage in work, learning and collaboration at all our campuses and other premises.
Our BSL plan 2024 – 2030 sets out how SRUC will support the ambitions of the Scottish Government’s BSL National Plan 2023 - 2029. We share the ambition that Scotland is the best place in the world to live, work, learn and visit for BSL users.
Equality policies
SRUC has a comprehensive range of policies focused on equality, diversity and inclusion.
SRUC’s values and our overarching Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion policy explicitly outline the supportive and respectful learning and working environment we aspire for our staff and students. The policy also signposts to supporting policies for staff, students and our wider community to report, address and manage any instances of unacceptable behaviour.
SRUC’s accessible documents policy statement supports out commitment to providing documents in an alternative format or in alternative community languages on request.
Equality Impact Assessments
SRUC has a legal duty to ensure that it’s policies, practices, processes and services do not discriminate, and that they advance equality where possible.
An equality impact assessment (EqIA) is an evidence based process which helps SRUC to make our policies, practices, processes, and services as inclusive and effective as they can be for employees, students and the wider SRUC community.
Corporate Parenting
SRUC supports students who fall under SRUC’s Corporate Parenting umbrella. These include care experienced students, student carers, estranged students, veterans, vulnerable adults, travellers, refugees, homeless students and survivors of abuse.
SRUC has a designated member of staff at each campus who acts as an impartial enabler of internal support. You can access contact information and relevant support available on each campus.
SRUC recognises its commitment to those students who are care experienced and student carers. We have made public our commitment of support. T learn more about what we are doing, read SRUC's Corporate Parenting Action Plan.
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