Consulting and Commercial
Early success in campaign to save lapwings
A new project designed to reverse the decline in the population of one of Scottish farmland’s most loved birds is reporting significant early progress.…
- 26/07/2023
Rewarding Awards!
Food & drink and agricultural awards deliver multi-faceted benefits. …
- Ceri Richie
- 21/07/2023
SAC Consulting celebrates its first cohort of Carbon Literate citizens
SAC Consulting (part of SRUC) is taking significant steps to enhance its Carbon Literacy credentials.…
- 07/07/2023
Cloud innovation launches Scotland’s carbon calculator into next generation
The award-winning farm carbon calculator, Agrecalc, will be launching its state-of-the-art version of the platform – Agrecalc Cloud – at this year’s Royal Highland Show.…
- 21/06/2023
Digital Dairy Chain highlighted in National Innovation Strategy
The Principal and Chief Executive of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has welcomed the organisation’s prominent inclusion in Scotland’s newly published National Innovation Strategy.…
- 13/06/2023
Zoo poo and ‘hot dogs’
SRUC reveals activities for 2023 Royal Highland Show.…
- 12/06/2023
Free woodland advice for crofters and smallholders
Free advisory visits offering help to access grants for tree planting and woodland management are being offered to crofters and smallholders.…
- 09/06/2023
On-farm events will help build resilience
With rising costs, unpredictable weather patterns and the removal of pesticides adding to the uncertainties in farming, researchers at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) are teaming up with colleagues from SAC Consulting to deliver three on-farm events across the country to identify key challenges and create solutions that work on farm.…
- 22/05/2023
Embracing nature-based opportunities
It is expected that nature and biodiversity will follow in the footsteps of carbon, with businesses encouraged (and potentially required) to measure and report on their impacts. At SAC Consulting, we are monitoring the development of this space so that we can help our clients navigate the evolving landscape.…
- Brady Stevens & Ceri Ritchie
- 17/04/2023
New hedgerow and grassland management guides for farmers
New videos and practical guides have been created for farmers to help wildlife, such as pollinating insects, thrive on farms.…
- 28/03/2023
Spring into action: Taking advantage of key food and drink trends in 2023
In the food and drink sector, consumers are looking for ‘joy in food’ in 2023, so how can you maximise the impact of this trend for your business? …
- Ceri Ritchie
- 02/03/2023
Restoring peatlands to fight climate change
New advice is being offered to farmers to help them access funding to protect and restore peatlands.…
- 08/02/2023