Hydrogen fuelled tractor enthusiasm grows on Aberdeenshire farm
What started as a cursory interest has resulted in Mr Barron retrofitting two tractors and his farm jeep with a hydrogen electrolyser saving him 20% on his fuel costs.…
- 24/04/2020
Farmers urged to wade into bird conservation
Farmers and land managers have an important role to play in reversing the declining numbers of wading birds in Scotland, according to a new report.…
- 03/04/2020
Moor value
Researchers from SRUC have contributed to a new publication looking at the future of Scotland’s moorlands.…
- 12/03/2020
Branching out into agroforestry
A hundred trees have been planted on upland research farmland run by Scotland’s Rural College to demonstrate the benefits of agroforestry.…
- 05/03/2020
Call for policy makers to protect pollinators
Pollinating insects could thrive if improvements are made to agri-environment schemes across Europe, a new study led by Scotland’s Rural College has found.…
- 17/02/2020
Graze expectations
Researchers are looking into more effective ways to monitor greenhouse gas emissions in grazing cattle.…
- 22/01/2020
Debate offers policy makers food for thought
Scotland could learn much from the Nordic countries when it comes to sustainable food production and lowering the rate of child obesity.…
- 21/01/2020
Going for green
A review of the Greenkeeping curriculum in the UK and Ireland is one of two SRUC-led projects being funded as part of a £650k initiative.…
- 10/01/2020
Getting to know gamekeepers
While they play an important part in the management activities of large areas of Scotland, little is known about the daily lives of gamekeepers and their attitudes, motivations and behaviours.…
- 19/12/2019
Back to the future
The importance of ensuring a future for ‘high nature value’ farmlands across the globe has been highlighted in a new paper published by a consortium of European scientists.…
- 10/12/2019
Joint conference explores sustainable solutions
A joint conference between SRUC and Teagasc is taking place in Dublin today (Friday 6 December).…
- 06/12/2019
Gloomy forecast for Scotland’s ski resorts
A new report forecasting the impact of climate change on the Cairngorms National Park has warned the range will suffer a ‘substantial decline’ in snow cover.…
- 04/12/2019