Soil and crops

Grass act

Agriculture students at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) were challenged to be the ‘best in grass’ in a competition sponsored by fertiliser company Yara.…

  • SRUC
  • 21/05/2020
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Do you know your beans?

Researchers from Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) have joined scientists across Europe to study factors affecting the yield of beans.…

  • SRUC
  • 22/04/2020
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Sugar beet to make a comeback?

A Rural Innovation Support Service (RISS) group facilitated by SAC Consulting is to look into the feasibility and steps required to re-establish sugar beet and its processing in eastern Scotland.…

  • SRUC
  • 10/02/2020
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Scots scientists explore options on organic oilseed

Scientists have teamed up with farmers and industry to explore the possibility of growing organic oilseed rape (Canola) in Scotland for the first time.…

  • SRUC
  • 07/01/2020
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Crop masters

Farmers will get the lowdown on the latest crop research during a series of free agronomy events being held in Scotland in the New Year.…

  • SRUC
  • 18/12/2019
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Winter Wheat winners

One of the UK’s top arable farmers has praised the winners of this year’s Winter Wheat Challenge. Scott Campbell, a former Scotland’s Rural College student who was last month named Arable Farmer of the Year by Farmers Weekly, was at AgriScot to present a team from SRUC’s Edinburgh campus with the annual award.…

  • SRUC
  • 25/11/2019
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Scientists investigate stink bug threat

Scientists are investigating whether a stink bug which wreaks havoc on a wide range of crops could establish itself in Scotland.…

  • SRUC
  • 07/10/2019
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Minimising emissions from fertilisers

Farmers are being advised to minimise the effect of fertilisers on the environment by taking part in specialist training courses.…

  • SRUC
  • 25/09/2019
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One granite leap for mankind

If humankind is to colonise the Moon, soil scientists of the future won’t need to travel quarter of a million miles to learn how to grow crops on the lunar…

  • SRUC
  • 19/07/2019
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Organic expert awarded Honorary Fellowship

An organic farming expert has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by Scotland’s Rural College.…

  • SRUC
  • 16/07/2019
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Acidic soils could be affecting production on many Scottish farms

Nearly half of the soil samples collected from the Farm Advisory Service Soil and Nutrient Network farms are suffering from low pH levels according to a new report. A study of 273 soil samples from…

  • SRUC
  • 16/07/2019
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