Veterinary surveillance blogs
Feeling hot, hot, hot?
We are all feeling the heat at the moment, and according to forecasts it is going to get hotter. Here is a reminder of some livestock health risks to consider during hot weather.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 18/07/2022
Coccidiosis in cattle 2022
Diagnoses of coccidiosis in this year’s calves remains common this year and the risk remains high.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 08/07/2022
The impact of type 2 Ostertagiasis
Our Dumfries Disease Surveillance Centre has had a number of submissions, case reports and post mortems recently regarding scour in groups of older cattle that grazed last year. In these cases we have either suspected or confirmed type 2 Ostertagiasis.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 17/06/2022
Type 2 ostertagiasis – Is there an impact and are we missing it?
We have had a few submissions, case reports and post-mortem examinations recently regarding scour in groups of older cattle that grazed last year.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 06/06/2022
Ataxic and weak lambs – is it swayback, white muscle disease or something else?
Given the time of year this has been a common question posed in recent weeks with some diagnostic options outlined in this article.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 19/05/2022
Ovine abortion season 2022 so far
In contrast to what is normally seen at this time of year, there are many more diagnoses of toxoplasma than EAE. Toxovax supply issues combined with promotion of vaccination to prevent EAE may have played a role.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 05/04/2022
The ticks are rising
SRUC Veterinary Services has examined two post-mortem cases in cattle so far this week that have presented as sudden death and pneumonia after recent turn out to hill pasture.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 25/03/2022
Factors that may affect ewe colostrum quality
Earlier this year Page et al. reported the findings of some research into ewe colostrum quality.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 22/03/2022
Rickets in sheep
Cases of rickets are usually seen when sunlight levels are low and young hill sheep are grazed on good quality dairy grazing.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 17/03/2022
Fertiliser application rate and mineral content of grass
As a valuable source of minerals to livestock it would be advisable to have fresh grass analysed for mineral content, as well as analysing grass silage later in the year.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 16/03/2022
Update on Streptococcus dysgalactiae arthritis in lambs
Streptococcus dysgalactiae in the most common cause of joint ill in UK lambs and is also an issue in other countries. …
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 10/03/2022
Schmallenberg update and testing
There has already been a diagnosis of malformations due to Schmallenberg virus in a sheep flock in Scotland in 2022.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 03/03/2022