Veterinary surveillance blogs
August case highlights
August was another steady month in the Aberdeen PM room, with the predominant submission being thin or dying lambs with parasitic gastroenteritis.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 04/10/2023
Making the most of the Sheep Lameness Assessment
One of the interventions included in the Scottish Government's ‘Preparing for Sustainable Farming’ initiative is to carry out a veterinary flock lameness assessment to identify conditions and their prevalence in the flock, then provide a written prevention and control plan, including biosecurity measures.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 03/10/2023
Making the most of testing for sheep scab
As part of Scottish Governments ‘Preparing for Sustainable Farming’ initiative, farmers can claim £250 per intervention for undertaking up to two animal health interventions per year in 2023 and 2024. One of the interventions included in the scheme is to investigate sheep status in a flock by screening 12 animals per management group using the sheep scab ELISA test.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 22/09/2023
Iceberg disease screening in sheep
Preparing for Sustainable Farming – making the most of testing for sheep iceberg disease…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 07/09/2023
High lamb worm burdens this month
High worm burdens have been found in many of the lamb carcases received for post-mortem examination since the start of August through our Dumfries disease surveillance centre.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 16/08/2023
Haemonchus contortus - is the picture changing in your area?
Over the past ten years, SRUCVS have made a total of 46 diagnoses of haemonchosis on Scottish holdings with all DSCs seeing at least one case. Although the number of cases remain small, 46% of these diagnoses have been made in the past three years and there is a general upward trend on a yearly basis.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 04/08/2023
June case highlights
The submissions through the Aberdeen PM room remained steady throught the month of June. In cattle, bacterial pneumonia caused by the Pasteurellaceae family featured strongly, alongside abomasal bloat/rupture in calves and parasitic disease including ostertagiasis and chronic fluke. In sheep we diagnosed Nematodirus in five submissions, as well as pasteurellosis and Mannheimiosis in lambs. Several bird cases of interest are also included in our case highlights.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 04/08/2023
Sheep abortions with no diagnosis
Where there has been significant reproductive loss in a flock and no diagnosed cause, now is a good time to take stock when it comes to future health planning and when considering pre-tupping abortion vaccine programmes.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 18/07/2023
Dumfries ovine abortion diagnoses 2023
EAE, Toxoplasmosis and Campylobacter were almost inevitably the most common diagnoses with Toxoplasmosis taking the top spot this year.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 18/07/2023
Sustainable farming initiative: Sheep and cattle roundworms
As part of Scottish Governments ‘Preparing for Sustainable Farming’ initiative, farmers can claim £250 for undertaking up to two animal health interventions per year in 2023 and 2024. Two important interventions which will receive funding are the control of roundworms in sheep and cattle.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 28/06/2023
A recent case of Babesiosis in a suckler cow herd
Whilst not uncommon in some parts of the UK, until a recent case, Babesia has not previously been diagnosed at SRUC's St Boswells DSC.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 28/06/2023
Have you seen MyHerdStats on ScotEID?
MyHerdStats from ScotEID is a free programme that gives basic herd data from the national animal movement database to all cattle keepers in Scotland.…
- SRUC Veterinary Services
- 25/05/2023