Scrapie monitoring for export
Flock masters wishing to export breeding sheep and goats throughout the EU may have their flock or herd monitored under the provisions of the Scrapie Monitoring Scheme administered by SRUC Veterinary Services. Registered flocks and herds undergo an annual flock inspection by the official vet, obey the biosecurity rules and brains from all adult fallen stock should be screened for Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs). Flocks gain Controlled Risk status after three years and Negligible Risk status after seven years. Please see the scheme rules and export guidance for further details.
For non-monitored flocks wishing to export sheep/goats to Northern Ireland only, a new temporary Scrapie Qualifying status has been created. Please see below for details and links to the relevant documents.
What is scrapie?
Scrapie is an infectious wasting disease affecting the nervous system of adult sheep and is very difficult to control. It has been a notifiable disease in the UK since 1993 and is one of the TSEs. The causal agent is resistant to normal disinfection procedures and the disease has a long incubation period. There is no cure, no vaccine, the condition is fatal and animals pass on their genetic susceptibility to the next generation.
Rules and resources
Premium Sheep and Goat Health Scheme price list
SMS registration form
SMS renewal form
SMS rules & conditions
SMS changes Q&A
Fallen stock form
Scrapie requirement changes intra-union trade in sheep/goats and their semen/embryos
List of fallen stock collectors
Letter for SMS members
Scrapie Export Guidance (TE30)
Quick Scrapie Monitoring overview for vets and farmers
Scrapie Qualifying Status
Scrapie Qualifying Status to end 1st March 2025
As planned, 2024 is the last year of Scrapie Qualifying status within the Scrapie Monitoring Scheme. If all of the rules have been followed for the full three years (including the TSE testing of all fallen stock over 18 months of age) then Scrapie Qualifying status holdings should be eligible to apply for SMS Controlled Risk status. Please use the registration form which has been specifically adapted for Qualifying status holdings wishing to register for the full SMS scheme. Applications must be with us before the end of February 2025.
Rules of the full Scrapie Monitoring Scheme are available here.
Carcass testing
Carcases or heads from fallen stock can be submitted for testing to:
- An SRUC Disease Surveillance Centre: See the map below for your nearest centre. Please contact centre first to check they can accept carcass/head
- An APHA Regional laboratory
- Some Fallen Stock Collectors will uplift carcases and sample them for testing. Click here for the list of these collectors and the form to accompany carcases they collect
- National Fallen Stock Company
- Some private veterinary surgeons are approved for sampling such as Farm Post Mortems and Vet Investigation
Scrapie genotyping
Scrapie gene testing enables flock masters to select breeding sheep which are resistant to Scrapie. Animals can be tested at any age using a blood or semen sample. Testing is usually limited to stud rams, ram lambs retained for breeding and ewes being selected for embryo transfer. Scrapie genotyping is not a test for the presence of the disease but does reveal if the animal were to be exposed to the disease, what chance it has of contracting it.
Scrapie Genotyping can also be used to allow the export of resistant animals or allow them to join Scrapie Monitored flocks. Genotyping performed for these purposes must be undertaken at a Defra approved laboratory and samples taken by a veterinary surgeon. The current Defra approved laboratories are APHA and SRUC.
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