
Call for participation in ground-breaking land sales report
A major report has been commissioned to understand more about the nature and value of rural land sales in Scotland. …
- 16/12/2021

Future proofing the sheep industry
The future direction of the Scottish sheep industry will come under the spotlight at an online event organised by SRUC next month.…
- 13/12/2021

Farmers need support to change the way they farm
In this opinion piece Bethan Thompson talks about an EU project which aims to understand the factors which influence the uptake of agroecological farming practices.…
- 30/11/2021

Scan-do attitude
Sheep CT scans could be analysed at lightning speed using machine learning, according to a new study.…
- 16/11/2021

Once bitten, twice shy
The outcome of a contest between two unfamiliar pigs can have an impact on their attitude towards subsequent aggressive encounters, according to new research.…
- 12/11/2021

‘Hedge funding’ to help ease Capital traffic pollution
A new study is set to highlight the importance of hedgerows in protecting Edinburgh’s residents from rising levels of traffic pollution.…
- 03/11/2021

Eating without heating the world
An interactive event about the science of food, farming and climate change will cover everything from managing marine environments under climate change to breeding cattle and using daffodils to reduce global warming.…
- 02/11/2021

Breeding trees to address ‘wicked’ challenges
With the eyes of the world on COP26 in Glasgow, researchers have called for a new approach to plant breeding to address global challenges such as climate change.…
- 29/10/2021

Latest Rural Policy Centre podcast focuses on COP26
The latest episode of SRUC’s Rural Policy Podcast is now available, focusing on the challenges facing the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP26).…
- 05/10/2021

Buzzing about beans
The targeted use of mixed legumes in agricultural systems could enhance yields while protecting pollinators, new research by SRUC has found.…
- 01/10/2021

Farmers need to adopt agroecological practices
Scottish livestock farmers need to be supported to adopt nature-based farming practices which could contribute to climate and biodiversity goals, new research has found.…
- 23/09/2021

Urban greenspace benefits deprived and ethnic minority communities
While urban greenspace is often associated with improved mental health, new research has found the benefits are dependent on the characteristics of the population using the space - and their proximity to it.…
- 21/09/2021